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Our Administration Team
Admin Team
Principal's Message
Mr Damien Dickinson

"Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up."
- Charlie Munger
O'Connor Primary School is a friendly school that values the support and participation of the school community. The staff are dedicated and enthusiastic in their endeavour to ensure the best outcomes possible for every student. This is epitomised in the school motto 'Friendship and Achievement'. This is also incorporated into our values acronym “FAIR” – Friendship, Achievement, Inclusion and Respect. Being O’Connor FAIR is a focus when talking to students about behaviour and responsibility.
O’Connor PS has been operating since 1996 and we are proudly an Independent Public School. As a staff, we pride ourselves in the development of the whole child through the diversity of our programs, enthusiasm of our staff and support of our community. Our staff aim to make a difference by encouraging excellence and supporting the whole child. Our classrooms are vibrant with modern technology to make learning exciting and challenging.
Working together with families we can achieve success. At school, we build on the foundation laid by parents and we encourage parents and carers to become actively involved in school life. A strong partnership between home and school is essential to maximise each child’s opportunities and growth.
Welcome to our school.
Deputies &
School Context
O’Connor Primary School supports an inclusive learning environment which fosters our school motto of “Friendship & Achievement”. We nurture students academically, emotionally and socially by respecting individual cultural differences and supporting all to reach their potential.
Mrs Carmen Gallagher

"Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding."
- Robert John Meehan
We believe in:
Establishing a safe, caring and inclusive environment relevant to all needs.
Delivering high quality teaching and learning programs through engagement, explicit and inclusive teaching strategies in line with school and School Curriculum & Standards Authority direction.
Establishing high expectations of behaviour and achievement through reflection, target setting and individual/group development.
Building strong links with the community through proactive promotion of the school and the inclusive practices displayed.
Staff having an understanding of teaching that links curriculum, assessment and student engagement through self-reflection and appropriate support.
Mr Hamish Arnold

"Every child deserves a champion: an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they can possibly be."
- Rita Pierson
Ms Belinda Morris

"It is vital that when educating our children's brains, that we do not neglect to educate their hearts."
- Dalai Lama
Staff and students display the school values by modelling appropriate actions to others:
Friendship ... We believe all are able to develop social skills and display values that promote friendship and appropriate relationships with others.
Achievement ... We believe all children are capable of achieving their personal best through encouragement and support.
Inclusion ... We believe we have an obligation to be inclusive of all.
Respect ... We believe all members of society should show respect to others and their surroundings.
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