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The Pipeline Newsletter
20th September 2023

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Our students are loving
coming to school
every day!
Principal's Report
End of Term Two
Term 2 has flown by with a number of events throughout the term. Some include Humphreys Dance, swimming lessons for Pre Primary, Reconciliation Week, NAIDOC Week and our Cross Country which was held yesterday. The weather has been very cold, but has not interfered with our major events. NAIDOC Week was a fabulous week with a huge variety of events. Congratulations to the RAP Committee and the Student RAP Group for organising and managing all the events. It was a wonderful celebration of our community.
Faction Cross Country
Yesterday was our Faction Cross Country. Congratulations to all our students who ran in the events and to Ora Banda who won overall. There were some very fast times with a number of records broken. I think the training, during the previous weeks, certainly assisted or the cold weather might have just made them run faster to get it over and done with. Congratulations to Miss Winter, Miss Versace and Miss O’Boyle for their organisation prior to the event and the running of the day.
Term 3
Tomorrow is our last day for the term. Term 3 already looks busy with four weeks of swimming lessons. Years 1 to 6 will be swimming one of the fortnights during Weeks 3 to 6. All paperwork has been sent out and registrations completed. I am sure the students taking part will gain a lot from the lessons. We will also be preparing for our Athletics Carnival in Week 8. Another highlight of the term is our Learning Journey night in Week 9. This gives parents and extended family a great opportunity to visit classrooms.
Staffing wise we do not have too many changes. We have two new teachers starting next term to assist with relief at this stage, and possibly take any other vacancies later in the year. Mrs Ollington is going on maternity leave later in the term and has finished in her HaSS role. A letter was sent out earlier in the week outlining the teachers taking over that particular role.
School Holidays
I hope everyone has a wonderful break and you are able to get over any illness that has been going around recently. School recommences for students on Tuesday 18 July. See you next term.

Community News

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